“I am not my invisibility”
Throughout my child hood I would feel like I am not really visible. At school, I would sit in class and my mind would be somewhere else, I guess you could say I was a dreamer. I only had one very close friend growing up. I was the kid who wanted to be seen and … Read more
“I am not my codependency”
To me codependency means feeling responsible for others’ emotions. It means always being in a state of anxiety and stress over my relationships; walking into a room and feeling as if you’re walking on eggshells; dreading running into someone that you fear you have wronged in some way. I catch myself on a daily basis … Read more
“I am not my loneliness”
My insecurity cripples me. I am most insecure about my self-image. I worry about what others think about my personality. I worry about what others think about what I look like including my physical features and what I choose to wear. Am I attractive enough? Oh God, I am so ugly right now. Don’t look … Read more