“I am not my gender”
I acknowledge that gender differences pervade our society. Men have more facial hair then women. Women wear more makeup than men. It is a fact that, as a generalization, women will act a certain way, and men act another certain way. Where this becomes problematic is when an eight-year-old boy thinks there is something wrong … Read more
“I am not my preference”
It has only been three years since I’ve been true to myself. Tensions between my insecurity and identity led me to rid myself of the self denial I so naively swam in for so long. In high school I never dared once think of myself as being a lesbian. I started gaining confidence when I … Read more
“I am not my gender”
It’s pretty clear to me now that my entire life has been leading up to this juncture when I can finally say, “I accept myself for who I am and what I’ve been through and that’s okay!” All of the pain, the hurt, and the suffering that I have endured within my lifetime were for … Read more