In high school I was surrounded by so many bright people who were so diligent with their school work. I myself was never really good in the classroom but I loved my peers and worked daily to make sure my campus was a place of acceptance and not a place of judgment or hate. I remember a conversation I had with my high school counselor at the beginning of my senior year when I was told I needed to drop my Freshman Mentoring class so I could retake a math class I needed to go to college. When I confronted her about not wanting to drop the class she became angry with me and told me I was “ruining my life”.
Towards the end of the year as college acceptance letters rolled in I received an acceptance from Sacramento state, so filled with joy I remember telling my high school counselor of my acceptance and her response was “that’s nice I still have my doubts that you will graduate”. For the longest time I always believed that I wasn’t smart enough. Though I often find myself reminiscing on the word of my counselor I am always able to overcome my insecurity and I am able to reassure myself that no matter what the paper says I am smart enough and I am able to do anything I put my mind to.
In high school I whole heartedly believed that every person I stayed up late talking up late talking out of suicide, every girl I found crying in the hall way, every person who sat alone, every special needs person who needed a friend to share their joys was worth so much more than an A on a paper. I knew that one day these all of those moments would pay off and they have. Through these experiences I have learned that a life dedicated to others is enjoyed so much more that a life that is revolved around the thought that you have to be smart enough to do what you love.
My insecurity serves as a reminder to those who for so long have believed that they aren’t smart enough or bright enough to pursue their dreams. It’s a reminder that no matter what grade you get on your exams or what your high school counselor tells you, you are able to achieve and pursue every dream you have.